Back in 2016 i had the opportunity to work on a start-up company helping them in the creation of their first game. My main task was to develop and coordinate the visuals with the technical aspects of the game. A small team of 3 artists and 4 programmers working with a small time frame in order to meet the sponsorship deadlines and requirements.
Most of the time slipped experimenting, learning, and planning the gameplay, story, creating concepts for inspiration, and working out the logistics of the company. Sadly, in the end, the company couldn't keep running anymore and we all went back to our personal projects.
I had a bunch of assets and concepts on the cloud and i've been whiling to put them up for a while and it was until now where i gave myself the time to set up everything in order and not have just a bunch of messy pictures published here. I still have more. so I'll post them all in here little by little with the same format.
It was a great experience and I honestly would love for the whole team to give it another try since we have all grown and learned a lot since our time together.
Hope you enjoy.